Terms & Conditions


The content of this website is made available for the purpose of providing general information about the services provided by Marie Bonne, and cannot be understood, in any case, as a proposal to provide services.

Marie Bonne excludes its liability for any damages that may occur in connection with the information contained on this website. This site aims to inform, and content is not guaranteed to be permanently updated.

All rights (in particular with respect to intellectual property rights) relating to this website are the exclusive property of Marie Bonne.

When using this website, the collection and use of your information is carried out under the terms and conditions set out in the Cookies Policy, as well as in the Privacy Policy (thus giving your agreement to both). We reserve the right to change the terms and conditions of use of this website (including the Privacy Policy or the Cookie Policy) at any time. Such changes will be posted on this website.

Privacy Commitments

Customers trust us with their privacy – whether it's protecting their personal information, the confidentiality of their communications, or the way we develop our products and services.

How we handle privacy is a vital aspect of our responsibility to customers and a decisive factor in earning their trust.

Our Privacy Commitments set out the principles that govern our approach to privacy and how we work with our employees, partners and external stakeholders on relevant issues – for example, when we design products or when we collaborate with various law enforcement agencies.



We value privacy for what it means to people. It's more than ensuring compliance with the law. It is to cultivate a culture that respects privacy and justifies the trust placed in us.



We clearly communicate the purposes for which we process the personal data of customers and we guarantee that our actions reflect our words, being receptive to comments about what we do.



We give people the ability to make simple and meaningful choices about their privacy.


Privacy from Conception

Respect for privacy is a key component in the design, development and delivery of our products and services.



When there is a need to balance the right to privacy against other obligations necessary to ensure a free and secure society, we work to minimize impacts on privacy.


Laws and Standards

We comply with privacy laws and will work with governments, regulators, policy makers and opinion leaders to develop even better and more balanced privacy laws and standards.



We are responsible for adhering to these principles throughout our organization, and we also work with our partners and suppliers to do so.


Privacy and Cookie Statement


Changes to our Privacy Statement

This Privacy Statement may be updated from time to time and, whenever we make changes, they will be posted on our website and you will be alerted that the changes have been made.


Last update: 30.09.2021


What does this privacy and cookie statement consist of

In this statement we explain how we collect, use, share and protect your personal information when you use our products, services and our website.


Contact us

Your opinion is important to us – if you have questions about our Privacy Statement you can send an email to our Data Protection Officer at geral@mariebonne.pt


Our principles

Marie Bonne is committed to respecting your privacy. We take security and compliance with data protection and privacy laws seriously.

We define our Privacy Commitments, which are available on our Privacy Portal. We try to put these commitments at the center of everything we do.


Cookies Policy


How we use cookies

We use cookies to track what users do on our website. Cookies also allow the use of services such as order tracking and account verification by the user.

Our cookies do not store personal information such as your name, they simply help us find information when you log in, or relate your browsing history to you and your personal information when you choose to subscribe to a service or newsletter.

For this purpose we sometimes use persistent cookies. We take the way we handle your personal information seriously and carefully, so we're always monitoring and improving how we protect it.

We have organized our cookies by the following categories to make it easier for you to understand why we need them:

  • Strictly Necessary - are used to help our website run efficiently.
  • Performance - are used to analyze how our website works and understand how we can improve it.
  • Personalization - allow you to present on our website, and individually, offers and services tailored to your interests.
  • Advertising - are used by external companies to provide you with ads that are relevant to your interests, and they also allow you to limit the number of times you see a particular ad. These entities may also use this information for their own purposes.

If you prefer, you can choose not to use these cookies. Content targeting means that we include information that reflects your interest shown in the contents of our web pages, or offers or promotions that we consider to be of interest to you, and to improve how we respond to your needs.


Your cookies

You must have your Internet browser ready to receive cookies. The most popular browsers are:

Internet Explorer



Google Chrome


If you choose not to enable cookies, you will still be able to browse our website, but you should bear in mind that it may prevent some websites from being displayed correctly.


Third Party Cookies

First-party cookies originate from the same domain as the website you are visiting (in this case, www.mariebonne.pt )

Third-party cookies originate from a different domain than the website being visited. For example, when you visit our website we may link to another company's website - such as your Facebook or Instagram account or a YouTube video on our page.

Therefore, when, for example, in a social network you make a "Like" on a mobile phone displayed on our website, these social networks may place cookies on your computer. We do not control how these cookies are used and we suggest that you confirm on the respective websites how they are used and how they can be managed by you.


How to check if cookies are enabled (PC)


Google Chrome

  1. Click the menu button (three horizontal bars) in the upper right corner of the browser window and select "Settings", then "Advanced Settings"
  2. Locate the "Privacy" header, and select "Content Settings"
  3. Select "Allow sites to store and read cookie data"

Microsoft Internet Explorer 11

  1. Click on the "Settings" icon (looks like a gear) at the top right of the browser window and select "Internet Options", then click on the "Privacy" tab
  2. Ensure the Privacy level is set to Medium or lower, which will allow cookies on your browser
  3. A level above Medium will disable cookies

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Click the menu button (three horizontal bars) in the upper right corner of the browser window and select Options
  2. Select the Privacy icon
  3. Click on Cookies, and select "allow sites to set cookies"


How to check if cookies are enabled (Mac)

Safari to OX X

  1. Click on "Safari" at the top of the browser window and select the "Preferences" option
  2. Click on "Privacy"
  3. Select "Allow only from visited sites"


Block cookies

If you want to know how to prevent websites/websites from using cookies to remember the websites/websites visited, you can choose your browser from the list. By doing so, you will be directed to the respective browser page where you can manage your cookies and website data.




Internet Explorer

 If you change your browser's cookie settings, your experience with us will not be monitored. Information regarding the control and elimination of cookies is also available at
